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Insert Greek Alphabet by Simple Method

Insert greek Alphabet

Mathematics needs a large number of symbols to compete for abstract objects, such as numbers, sets, functions, and spaces, so the use of Greek letters was included long ago to produce a collection of valuable symbols to enhance the usual Roman letters.

To manage these symbols may seem quite foreign, and they are difficult to become familiar with. However, at the time they were proposed most scholars had been taught at least amazing Latin and Greek during their education, so the letters did not appear nearly so strange to them as they do to us.

Since then, each new generation of mathematicians has just gotten used to using them. The table below lists all of the letters in the Greek alphabet, upper-case and lower-case, with their names and pronunciations.

The lower-case Greek Letters are most regularly used for variables, such as angles and mixed numbers, and functions and formulas, while the upper-case letters more regularly stand for sets and locations, and sometimes for renewed arithmetic operations such as adding and multiplying (see Sigma and Pi).

Most Used Greek Symbols 

The first alphabet was written and produced by the ancient Greeks more than 3,000 years ago. They were called the Phoenicians who existed in today's Lebanon.

They gave the alphabet to other ranges and it spread everywhere in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Northern India where it was improved upon. The first known saying dates back to 800 B.C., on an ancient tomb wall in southern Italy.

Once they became widely believed they were used not only for religious writings but for ordinary purposes as well.

Greek Symbols - Easy to Type Symbols on Keyboard

1. Eta symbol

The Eta symbol ( η, ή, ē ) is a type of subscript dot used in textual criticism of Ancient Greek and translations of the New Testament. An eta with an internal x-height is also known as a "lunate e" because of its semantic association with the shape of the crescent moon.

2. Lambda Symbol

Lambda (uppercase Λ, lowercase ϰ; Greek: λλδ) is the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet. It was obtained from the Phoenician Lamed. Letters in other alphabets that stemmed from lambda include the Latin L, the Cyrillic El (Ллъ), and the Arabic.

3. Alpha Symbol

The alpha symbol is a short name used to identify one of the Greek letters. The full name is always used because it determines which letter you mean, but the short name is helpful when giving character mnemonics, and in the case of alpha, where there is another letter with an accompanying numerical value (alpha and A are 15), and also in astronomy, where there are many stars with Greek letters.

4. Delta Symbol

The Delta symbol is usually used in Chemistry. The Delta symbol has a very important role to play in chemistry. This symbol denotes the change of reactant to product. This delta symbol looks like a triangle with lines inside it. The lines also known as arms are interconnected with their apex.

5. Pi Symbol

The pi symbol is a mathematical constant. It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159. Mathematics was simulated during the time and early improvements for several practical uses in fields like architecture, astronomy, and construction. The symbols used were numbers that have stood the test of time due to their recognized advantages over common language.


The word "alphabet" comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet "alpha" and "beta". The original Greek alphabet didn't have upper case and lower case letters. These were developed later. Many Greek letters are used in the International Phonetic Alphabet.